And I’m a poet…

betcha didn’t know it.  Here’s a link to some of my writing.  So much hurt and anger….much of it is old, but it’s good.  Note to self: upload some of the happier stuff.

ultra deluxe (yep, that’s me!) at AllPoetry

But to get you started….

“on the lace of papercuts”

(when faced with the
question of
“what’s wrong?”
i never have an

i journey on the
lists made of
sudden loud
a scape of layered
coming in colours
stamped and crunching
in the air
below my hands
cold and unguarded
from an inevitable
when all goes
hushed purple dusk
spiriting away
the wound that
bleeds for only me

it would be so
sensible to
the patterns of
circles that form
before my eyes-
a pindot brilliant
on horizons unknown
turning in spirals
of nausea-
the fear that i thought
i had left behind

(the more difficult
faction would find
internal love-
would honour
the path of complexity
and grab hold
of the allegorical
hands that promise
safety, open church doors
and persistence
of will)

i was an embryo once
safe in a watery cocoon
till a calendar
spoke of time
and the soul of
God fused itself
to mine through a tiny
scream and my new
body slipped from
a woman’s grail-

(from time to time
i feel this
and my heart stops
blue till the
shock of what’s real
gives me its taste)

and i float till
told to swim-
but sometimes
it’s easier
just to drown.

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2 Responses to And I’m a poet…

  1. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 34 (December 2-8) | Jingle

  2. Jingle says:

    it does help you feel better after writing it out, right?

    apt piece.
    keep it up.

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